Terry & Susan Cross Valentines Day Party (2006)

Even a blizzard could not deter some members of our class from gathering at the quarters of Vice-Commandant and classmate Terry Cross on February 11, 2006. Some opted to remain home through the forecasted 12” or more of snow, but several brave-at-heart classmates chose the old class slogan “If you’re having a party, we’re coming!” Though it had only been four months since we gathered at CGA for our 35th Class Reunion, there were plenty of new stories. Most of us can’t remember the old stories anyway, so we thought they sounded pretty good. Denny McLean, John Gaughn, and Al Sabol missed the gathering last October so catching up with them was particularly fun. We counted twelve, with many spouses and a couple of “significant others” totaling 23. We feasted on an outstanding Valentine’s menu of Beef Wellington, Rosemary Potatoes and Asparagus. Everyone stayed for the duration or at least until coffee and desert was served. In addition to the above, also in attendance were Pete Olsen, Jimmy Clarke, Bill Kozak, Dave Belz, Vic Guarino, Ed Labuda, Guy Goodwin, and Tom Bernard. Tom and Bonnie had come up from SE Virginia and fortunately, due to the hospitality of Terry and Susan, got to spend the night. Maybe we are just getting old, or maybe it was the thought of driving home through heavy snow, but everyone was on their best behavior. That is, everyone except PC who on departing removed his coat, laid down in the snow, and created a snow angel! There may have been a few snow balls thrown as well, but it was pitch white outside so hard to tell. Can you believe the next official reunion will be our 40th? Hopefully we’ll have more “unofficial gatherings” before then while we are still young enough to enjoy them – though maybe not in February anymore!