
Welcome to the online archive for the U.S. Coast Guard Academy Class of ’70.

As I work on this project I am reminded of the NBC television series This Is Your Life which was hosted by Ralph Edwards from 1952 to 1961. During the show, Mr. Edwards would take guests through the high points of their lives in front of a live studio audience of friends and family.

Maybe it is hereditary, but I seem to have a pension for saving stuff – my children’s early grade school homework assignments and report cards, Mom and Dad’s WWII military records, family records dating back over one hundred years including great-great-grandpa’ s Indian War records, ceramics my Dad made in Alaska in the early ’60′s, family photos and records galore, etc., etc.

And an important part of my past is the four years spent at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy and the classmates with whom I shared those years and experiences. So, it came naturally to me to want to preserve this precious slice of my past.

Thanks to all those who have supplied photos to this archive including Ed Labuda, John Murphy and Bob Pray. A special thanks to Tony Mink for letting me scan his large archive of photos and to Tom Bernard who does such a yeoman’s job in documenting Class Reunions. And thanks, too, to those helping with photo captions so we can be sure to identify all these N’er Do Wells and Scallywags!

Here on these pages, classmates augment my meager offerings with their own material in the hopes of documenting those exciting years of 1966-1970 as well as the paths we have traveled since. Mr. Edwards might not have shown his guests in their skivvies or proudly standing in front of a towering pyramid of empty beer cans, but we do here. After all, This is Your Life, too, classmates.

-Dave Maloney