45th in 2015

Click here for images of the 45th Class Reunion of the USCGA Class of 1970 which was held Oct. 16-18, 2015 in New London, CT. Thanks to Jan Fisk for the bulk of the images. Thanks also to Dave Maloney, Bonnie Bernard and William Pickrum for their contributions.


Dear Classmates:

Well the 45th Reunion is over and those of us who attended are pleasantly beat!

See the link above for Jan Fisk’s excellent compilation of the epic get together.

Those of you who could not attend were asked after and sorely missed.

Of course, the weekend began with a review of the Corp.  The question was asked, “Doesn’t the band know any other music?  I didn’t like what they played when we were there.  They haven’t learned anything since we left!” Pretty high curmudgeon factor.  (Dave Jones would be proud.)

The cocktail party was not only fun, with lots of lies told, but also truly poignant.   Bone and Goodie got Dave Maloney to put together a slide show depicting the classmates who have crossed the bar.  You could hear a pin drop and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.  That show was followed by a slide show of our years at CGA as compiled from Dave’s web site and other archives. (Check it out at www.cga70.com and feel free to email Dave <dave@maloney.com> your own photos of those 1966-1970 halcyon years to add to the collection). Again there was truly rapt attention.  Geez, we were babies!

I would note here that Taz Mills made a motion that no more of the Class of ‘70 would cross the bar before the 50th.  It was seconded by Jim Clarke and passed unanimously.  I pray the Big Guy was listening intently.

Saturday brought a beautiful, chilly, windy, and colorful CT fall day.  I think I liked this time at CGA best while we were in school. You know — before midterms and before we had figured out just how far behind we were on the semester!

Due to the many schedule changes a couple of folks missed the Memorial Service at Hopley Yeaton’s  Tomb.  This won’t happened at the 50th, because I’m told the honored Class gets the actual chapel to themselves. I know this seems odd, but the honored Class in 2020 would be us ’70’!

Prior to the service, Jim Heydenreich’s (‘59) ashes were laid to rest in the new columbarium, down the hill from Hopley Yeaton’s Tomb — very appropriate, as I’m told Jim was a prime mover in getting Hopley Yeaton reintured at the Academy.  Adm.  Faigle (‘59-‘60) happened by on his way to the interment and saw me with my bagpipes. He asked if I would play at  0945 to honor Jim. I was happy to do so.  I played “The Skye Boat” (the tradition gathering  Hymn), “Nearer My God to Thee” and, of course, “Amazing Grace.”   Due to all that was going on around the chapel that was all I played.

We waited in the chill wind for ten minutes (seemed like an hour, my bad) to begin our quite service in memory of our Classmates. I began by reading the names of all those who had passed.  I started with those who graduated with us but also included those that started with us and graduated with another class and some who started with us and were with us but a brief time.

Those in attendance were asked to speak of those who had passed and many a heartfelt memory was shared.  We had three widows present: Celeste Tethal, Sharon Purtell, and Caroline Johnson all of whom spoke and thanked the Class for our support in their difficult times.   I shared that classmate widows Linda Pittman and Andy Jones had also sent their greetings.

At 1030 we ended the service by singing the Coast Guard Hymn.  Tony Souza attended the all Class Memorial in the Chapel at that time and did the duty of reading the names of our classmates who had crossed the bar since the 40th reunion.

Then it was down the hill to the Roland Hall (Otto E. Graham Memorial Temple and body shop) parking lot for our tailgate before the game. Good food, beer and wine, and more telling of tall tales.

The Academy defeated the MIT Engineers 28- 13.  It was great.  St Catherine (my wife) found it very amusing that the “Engineer’s”  place kicker could not get the ball to stand up on the tee without a human holder.  The CGA kicker had no such problem! Go Bears!

I had this immense feeling of regret that the Bears didn’t score one more touchdown. (They actually had a couple opportunities.)  Why rub it in you say.  Nooooo.   Vic Guarino had vowed to do 35 pushups if the Bears scored the 35.  Vic lamented at the end of game on how disappointed he was that the Bears didn’t get that last score.  He really wanted to do the pushups. In the words of the Scotsman, ” I believe you lad, though thousands wouldn’t.”

The GENTS played and the evening dinner dance.  Golly, they started back in our high school years and came forward.  They were great, although my dancing feet did not hold until midnight.  Catherine and I have vowed to get or dancing legs in shape for the 50th.

Jim and Lonnie Friderici came all the way down from Willow.  Alaska.   Fantastic!

John and Jean Fearnow drove a 40 foot motor home, towing a car all the way from Tucson, Arizona.  Impressive!

Regret:  I did not get enough time to speak with each of the attendees at length and to find out more about what we are all doing these days.

Hope:  That Taz’s proposition holds and that I’ll see all those who attended at the 50th, and that those who did not attend will plan to attend the 50th.

For those who don’t know. I’m an only child and, like Davey Jones, I think of you as my brothers.

Be well.

Mike Gentile