Myron Tethal Funeral Service

From Dave: A “Celebration of Life” service for Myron Frank Tethal was held on February 8, 2013 in Roanoke, VA. See below. It was an extraordinarily moving event for all who were able to attend. Most notably, Myron’s spouse of 40 years, Celeste, and his two daughters, Shaleen and Lindsey, welcomed the many family and friends who gathered to remember our classmate, CAPT Tethal, as we all knew him – a smiling, caring and supportive husband, father, brother, son, athlete, officer and patriot. A good number of his classmates from CGA ’70 were in attendance—many with their spouses. Classmates Goodwin, Mills, Gaughan, Guarino and Rottier made moving comments of remembrance during the service. – Dave Belz ’70

From Bruce: Our class of ’70 was well represented (see below photo) at Myron’s funeral service on Friday, February 8, 2013 in Roanoke, Virginia. Present (L to R) were Steve Rottier, Tony Mink, Bill Kozak, Tom Bernard, Dave Belz, Tom Mills, Jim Olson, Vic Guarino, Bruce Stubbs, Guy Goodwin, Pete Olsen, John Gaughan, Rick Sasse (’71), Tom Taylor, Ed Labuda and Al Sabol. Not shown: Pat Stillman (’72).

Guy Goodwin, Tom Mills, John Gaughan, Steve Rottier and Vic Guarino all spoke eloquently and emotionally about Myron and how he touched our lives. Vic summed up our collective feelings when he stated that all of us have blessings and disappointments in our lives, and that we all had an unsurpassed blessing to have had Myron as a friend. It was a beautiful and touching ceremony. There was not a dry eye in the chapel when Myron’s daughter, Shaleen, played a musical tribute to her Dad. Without question, Myron was one of our finest classmates. We dearly loved and respected him. – Bruce Stubbs ’70